Against All Odds

Without hope and courage, there is no point in having dreams.

There is no point in having dreams unless you have hope and courage. Having these two is synonymous with having a positive mindset and attitude.

Hope – What is Hope and how does it relate to mindset?

A feeling that everything will turn out well. Positive mindset.

Hope is a feeling that all things will turn out well. You can’t see it or touch it, but you know it’s there because, without hope, there would be no motivation to stay alive. It gives us strength when we need it most and helps us overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable. Hope in itself is a mindset that embraces the opportunity for positive change.

Courage – What is Courage and how does it affect our mindset?

Acting despite your fear and doing what needs to be done regardless of how scary things may appear. Courageous mindset.

Courage isn’t the absence of fear; rather, it’s acting despite your fear and doing what needs to be done regardless of how scary or dangerous things may appear at first glance. A person with a courageous mindset stands up for their beliefs even when others might tell them not to because they’re afraid of losing friends/family members/etcetera (e.g., if someone doesn’t believe in God but knows he/she has faith within himself/herself).

The right mindset is required to be patient when you’re struggling.

It isn’t easy to be patient when you’re struggling. In fact, it’s often difficult to even see the value in waiting for things to happen and letting them develop naturally. It’s important to have a positive mental attitude when you’re struggling as you would be able to take a lesson(s) from every failure and view it as an opportunity for growth. With a positive mindset, it’ll be easy to look for opportunities in challenges.

Everyone needs help from time to time.

Someone helping a toddler climb a plank

Everyone needs help from time to time. If you need it, ask for it. If you can give it, don’t hesitate to offer your assistance. Help doesn’t have to be complicated—it just has to come from the heart. This is something that everyone can do, famous or not: if you see someone who could use some help and they aren’t asking for it, offer yours anyway! It may be as simple as a kind word of encouragement or a smile while passing by in the hallways at work, but every kind gesture counts when it comes down to helping others through difficult times.

Having the right mindset when someone lets you down.

It can be hard to see someone let you down. It’s natural to be disappointed and angry, but it’s also important to remember that you don’t always know what that person is going through.

But instead of giving up on them, try being open to helping them. Maybe they’re struggling with depression or anxiety, or maybe they’re the victim of someone else’s cruelty. Whatever the reason may be, don’t let yourself get bitter—a positive mindset/attitude allows you to be patient with them and compassionate toward their struggles instead. If your relationship seems irreparable after you’ve given it another chance, then just walk away; but whether or not the two of you stay friends forever, there will always be something good in every human being worth knowing.”

All opportunities seem impossible until they succeed.

The truth is that opportunities are hard to recognize and see, but they are there. The only way you can find these opportunities is through a positive mindset, perseverance, and patience. Sometimes, you have to wait for the right time – maybe when your finances are in order or perhaps when a certain skill is mastered. You must also be willing to take risks and make sacrifices in order to achieve success in life!

Check your ego.

In this section, you will learn that humility is a virtue and there are many ways to cultivate it.

Humility is the act of being humble or showing modesty and lack of pride in your behavior. It can also mean being respectful towards others, even if they are not as skilled or accomplished as you. Humility can be selfless, putting others before yourself—or it can be egoistic, putting yourself before others by pretending to be selfless when you aren’t (this is known as false humility). People who lack humility often display arrogance instead: They believe that their own thoughts are superior to those of others and therefore refuse to listen to anyone else’s ideas about things like politics or religion.

What others think of you is none of your business.

As a child, you probably learned to care about what other people thought of you. You wanted your parents to be proud of you and not disappointed. You didn’t want the new kid in school to think that you were uncool—or worse yet, weird. And maybe most importantly, you didn’t want your friends to abandon or betray you.

As an adult, it is much more difficult to change how others see us or treat us. But there are some things we can do:

  1. Keep moving forward with conviction, be courageous and hopeful, and never give up on your dream.
  2. Be committed to your dream, stay strong, and don’t let others convince you it’s not possible.
  3. Don’t listen to people who tell you that what you want to do isn’t worth pursuing or is unrealistic.

Are you still navigating through hope and courage? Know that it’s a daily process. Every day may feel like spinning your wheels, but if God woke you up, you have already conquered one of your obstacles.

Because He has called you and set you apart. You are The One!

I’m Prophetess Shantae called to educate, employ, and equip for the advancement of God’s Kingdom by providing life and business consulting. I have an accountability program called Mantled for Millions designed for Chosen Women on assignment who want to break free from the bondage of fear, self-doubt, anxiety, depression, and other issues so they can live to their full potential in Christ.

If this blog has helped you, leave a comment below. I personally read your comments, this helps me to keep going as well 😉. If you’d like to personally connect be sure to Book a Call, I’d love to connect!

As always, Always remember to protect your Peace!

  1. […] Always focus on the positive because it’s no use trying to change problems if you fail to address […]

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